Sunday, August 22, 2010

Backseat Blubbering

I have seen a lot of new blogs popping up.  Many of them are daily photo blogs.  One picture captured from the day with a simple explanation.  I'm still keeping  But we are adding this one in order to add a little more insight into our family.  Part of me feels like I should wait until tomorrow since I only took one picture today.  It is a blurry one.  And it isn't as flattering of my son, but it describes his mood most of today.  And we are not perfect, so why should our first picture on this blog be a perfect one?

Somebody is clearly not happy while riding home from Howell. Nothing seemed to make him happy...almost to the point where it was comical. Only later did we realize he was probably unhappy because he is cutting 2 teeth...poor baby!


  1. ohhhh! seeing him so sad just breaks my heart....

  2. Normally I would feel sad for him, but he was so pathetic that it was pretty comical.

  3. just think back a year: you would have been frantic and probably crying harder than he was!! Momma

  4. This is so cool Beth - I'm glad you're starting a photo of the day blog as well. The more people around me who are doing it, the more I will stay motivated :)
